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The Best Washcloths for Sensitive Skin♥


*Our best seller - Double layers of plush, soft flannel


Fairface™ Washcloths Delicates Product Details


Soothing, Gentle, SKIN-Calming for Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, & more

Sets of 2+ starting at just $18.99

Standard size: 9"x9"

or our Luxe size: 12"x12"

​*shipping will be calculated at check-out.
For extra large orders, additional shipping fees may be required.​

exclusively Fairface™


Fairface™ Washcloths​

an exclusive product of Fairface™

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Soft, soothing double-layers of double-sided flannel | 100% cotton  |  Soothing and skin calming to those with even the most delicate skin

"The washcloths are as soft as all reviewers have said and have helped a lot with my rosacea already.  I will definitely order again from you when I need more in the future and will tell my family and friends who also have sensitive skin about your washcloths."

Gentlest Washcloth for sensitive delicate skin

Fairface™ Washcloths  

Packages & Bundles

​Choose the styles and quantities for your skin care needs

Fairface™ Washcloths  Duals

Best all-in-one dual-sided washcloth & facecloth for gentle skin care cleansing

Best dual wash cloth for sensitive skin Fairface Originals
Best face washcloths for sensitive skin Fairface Bundles

other recommended products

Product Details: 

  • Made with soft, soothing imported 100% cotton flannel front​ AND back for double the softness.​

  • Gentlest option for sensitive skin​
  • No abrasive textures, smooth edges and seams
  • No added cleansers or chemicals. Use with your favorite cleanser.
  • Size 9"x9" & XL: 12"x12" for optimal coverage
  • ​Washable and reusable
  • Convenient sets of 2 and larger packages

For Best Results:

  • Use a fresh, clean Fairface™  washcloth for each face wash

  • Hang to dry completely after use

  • If possible, use a mild non-soap facial cleanser for sensitive skin

  • ​Clean gently without scrubbing

Easy Product Care:

  • Wash and dry with mild detergent on cool setting to maintain flannel’s softness

  • Non-bleach whiteners ok but do NOT bleach to maintain product integrity

Made in: a suburb of Seattle, WA

Fairface Washcloths 5 star reviews

Delicate Fairface™ Washcloths

Our gentlest option for sensitive skin types! Soothing, soft 100% cotton flannel front and back  for luxuriously calming, gentle cleansing. No harsh textures, just smooth softness for sensitive faces. Our most delicate face cloth / washcloth for even the most tender skin.


Calm, clean skin without redness and irritation caused by harsh textures. Our soft, gentle washcloths won't leave your face red and irritated after washing, like textured washcloths can. Gentle cleansing of sensitive skin is vital to preventing micro-tears which causes redness & inflammation.

By washing gently with a clean washcloth daily,  you can safely remove oil, dirt, pollutants and make-up effectively and without irritation. As each wash gently carries away dead skin cells, it allows your skin to take in the healing moisturizers and topical medications at a deeper level to aid in the production of healthy, clear skin.

Recommended for: 

Skin that is easily irritated and sensitive, including Rosacea, Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Acne, and other sensitive skin conditions such as damaged skin, healing skin, skin changes from pregnancy, menopause, medical conditions, overall sensitive skin & more.

Softest sensitive skin washcloths Fairface Delicates