Our newly launched
Cut, Sew, Grow! Podcast
is another place to get FREE tips and advice for
selling and scaling your own sewn products online
to give you a sneak peek at all the great information we'll be covering
in our upcoming
Courses for Selling Your Own Sewn Products Online!
What you can do now:
1. Follow us on Instagram @CutSewGrow
2. Go to FairfaceWashcloths.com/courses to get more information & sign up for our no obligation waiting list so you know when our courses will launch!
3. Subscribe to the Cut Sew Grow Podcast on Spotify, Apple, or your favorite podcast channel so you never miss an episode.
4. Read our show notes (and you can also listen through your browser) to all of our Podcast episodes here: Cut Sew Grow Podcast on your browser
I'm so excited to share everything I've mastered over the last 12-1/2 years running and growing my own sewn product business, Fairface Washcloths. Get in touch and let me know who you are and what products you sew! I'd love to get to know you!
xo Shannon Sorensen
Founder, CEO, Fairface Washcloths for sensitive skin
***We are currently closed & hope to reopen by May 2025. We apologize for the inconvenience. See our message here.
*Shipping to US & Canada
**Canadian Customers please shop thru Etsy
The Best Washcloths for Sensitive Skin♥
We wanted to create a place where we can get to know each other in a more personal way, and talk about things that are important to us, like sensitive skin, rosacea, eczema, acne, wellness, Dr. anxiety and more!
Plus, we thought it might be fun for you to hear what it's like behind the scenes of our Fairface Washcloths business.
We have big plans for our podcast! Stay tuned for deep dives into special topics and interviews with experts.
Plus we even share our show notes, so you can have instant access to the things we talk about, like recommended products, resources and more.
>>>SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts / iTunes
OR your favorite podcast channel!
Pocket Casts
Radio Public
Google podcast
>>>CLICK HERE for a list of all our Podcast Episodes
(with links to listen and read the show notes!)